vineri, 24 noiembrie 2017

Perl SDL -> Drawing


SDL provides several ways to draw graphical elements on the screen in three general categories: primitives, images, and text. All drawing occurs on a surface, represented by the SDLx::Surface class. Even the SDLx::App is a SDLx::Surface. Though this means it's possible to draw directly to the app's surface, there are several advantages to drawing on multiple surfaces.
3.1 Coordinates

SDL's surface coordinate system has its origin (where both the x and y coordinates have the value of zero) in the upper left corner. As the value of x increases, the position moves downward from the origin. The API always lists coordinates in x, y order.

The SDL library documentation has an extended discussion on coordinates:

3.2 Drawing

You can produce original pictures knowing little more than how to draw to a surface with SDL. As mentioned earlier, all drawing in SDL requires a surface. The SDLx::Surface object provides access to methods in the form of :

Parameters to these methods are generally coordinates and colors, provided as array referances.

Rectangular Parameters

Some parameters are sets of coordinate positions and dimentions. For example, parameters to describe a rectangle af 40x40 pixels placed at (20, 20) pixel units on the screen make a four element array of x, y, width, height:
my $rect = [20, 20, 40, 40];


SDL color parameters require four-element array references. The first three numbers define the Red, Green, and Blue intensity of the color. The final number defines the transparency of the color.
my $color = [ 255, 255, 255, 255];

The magnitude of each color value determins how much of that color component will be mixed into the resulting color. A 0 value specifies that none of the color channel should be used while 255 specifies a maximum intencity for a particular channel. The first value coresponds with the Red channel, so a higher number there means more red will be mixed into the resulting color. It is a common practice to achieve a grayscale of varying intencity by specifying the same value for each of the Red, Green, and Blue color channels. The fourth and final value designates the transparency (or Alpha channel) where a 0 value makes the resuting color fully transparent and 255 makes it entirely opaque. A trancparency value somewhare in between will allow underlying (pixel data of surfaces below the current one) colors to be blended with the specified RGB values into the final output.
You may also represent a color as hexadecimal values, where the values of the numbers range from 0-255 for 32 bit depth in RGBA format:
my $color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
my $white= 0xFFFFFFFF;
my $black= 0x000000FF;
my $red   = 0xFF0000FF;
my $green=0x00FF00FF;
my $blue  = 0x0000FFFF;
... or as four-byte hexadecimal values, where each two-digit byte encodes the same RGBA values:
my $goldenrod  = 0xDAA520FF;
The color depth of the surface-how many bits are available to describe color is a property of the relevant SDLx::Surface or SDLx::App. Set it in its constructor: 
my $app = SDLx::App->new ( depth => 32, );
 The default bit depth is 32, such that each color component has 256 possible values. Other options are 24, 16, and 8.

3.2.2 Pixels

All SDLx::Surfaces are collections of pixels. You can read from and write to these pixels by treating the surface as an array reference:
$app->[$x][$y] = $color;
... where $color is an unsigned integer value using the hexadecimal format (0xRRGGBBAA) or un anonymous array of the form [$red, $green, $blue, $alpha].

3.2.3 Primitives

Drawing primitives are simple shapes that SDL supports natively.


A line is a series of contiguous pixels between two points. The draw_line method causes SDL to draw a line to a sourface:

use strict;
use warnings;

use SDL;
use SDL::Event;
use SDL::Events;
use SDLx::App;

my $app =SDLx::App->new (
    w    => 500,
    h    => 500,
    d     => 32,
    title    => 'QUIT EVENTS',
    exit_on_quit => 1,
# this will draw a line from position (200, 20) to (20, 200)
$app->draw_line([200, 20], [20, 200], [255,255,0,255]);


 A rectangle is a four-sides, filled polygon. Rectangles are a common building block for games. In SDL, rectangles are the most cost effective  of the primitives to draw. The draw_rect method draws a rectangle on a surface:

use strict;
use warnings;

use SDL;
use SDL::Event;
use SDL::Events;
use SDLx::App;

my $app =SDLx::App->new (
    w    => 500,
    h    => 500,
    d     => 32,
    title    => 'QUIT EVENTS',
    exit_on_quit => 1,
# draw a rectangle of size 20x200 at position 200,20)
$app->draw_rect([200, 20, 20, 200], [255,255,0,255]);



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